Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pt. 2

You rallied passionately for her attention, and even employed protracted guerilla war-fare tactics. But in all honesty, you charmed the fist-wielding activist woman simply by knowing that whoever authored What is to be Done? did not write Working class Hero. You succeeded one battle; on to the next one soldier because dating a political Alpha-female requires that extra effort. To maintain your morale through the long march, review the previous tips and study, analyze and practice this latest post:

1. The evening is going well. You’re executing brilliant ripostes to her sharp counterstrokes in the Beauvoir/Sartre style and have reached a mutual understanding of inflating heart rates--so why ruin it by cheaping out on the date? True, the activist woman is financially self-sufficient, but if you did all the methodic wooing, then splitting the bill (she’ll insist on paying her half anyway) or covering the entire tab are your only options. It’s not about a class thing; it’s about doing the classy thing.

2. Do not divulge your fancies of Middle-Class suburban life. This will not impress the activist woman. To her, the patriarchal nuclear family is a crusty Neolithic construct and she will laugh at you. Or vomit. Her reaction will depend entirely on her sense of humour or gag reflex, so shush about the mini-van and soccer tournaments. Please get real about this, not all women are vying to be a desperate housewife.

3. Ditto about the 2.5 kids. “Romantically” imposing on the activist woman the karmic virtues of motherhood is arrogantly presumptuous and embarrassing—for you. Yes, she believes children are the future, we have to teach them well and let them lead the way (insert chorus here), but for the activist woman, motherhood is a choice, not a “natural calling”. The activist woman does not aspire to be someone’s baby mama, does not yield to her biology and to her, Sigmund Freud is the Devil.

4. She’s liberated. Therefore, she does not practice her emancipation by liberalizing her legs like a bad economic foreign policy. She, and she alone has sole jurisdiction over her libido and knows how she wants it, when she wants it. She’s liberated. ‘Nuff said.

5. If, at the end of the night you’re just not that into her, tell her. Rejection can be a monumental ego-pulvarizer, but is not apocalyptical in comparison to the rapid glacial meltdown, African civil unrest or getting your face blown off by your BFF, like what that dick, Vice President Cheney did. She is a woman with perspective, and she will get over you.

As for you, liberate yourself. Be the modern man. Be responsible. Again, it’s all about the “are there any good men left?” thing.

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